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Very cute and creepy art, I liked the idea that the enemies were the toys you failed to put away. I do think I found a bug (or just an odd feature?) where you couldn't exit the shop without buying something. If you didn't have enough it would just close but if you did, even if you didn't like your options you had to buy something to close the shop which felt a bit weird. Great work though!

I dont understand what the throw here is doing, when I click it nothing happens even though I picked up the balls?

Love the artwork! 

Is the shop functional? I couldn't figure out what to do with the candy.

I love the concept. The art really conveys uncanny anticipation. 

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed and the effort is worth it, like the art part too.
By the way, shop is working properly now :)

Oh cool! I'll check it out again.